The Marketplace does not replace the free trade in crystalline osmium. It serves the purpose of offering private sellers a platform to support resale. Sales cannot be guaranteed. They depend, among other things, on how much discount a seller offers and, at the same time, how much commission he offers to an intermediary.
For the purchase of goods, the process is very simple and self-explanatory. For sale, a selection must be made from one's own portfolio of goods.
The Marketplace is not a platform for speculation. In general, crystalline osmium should be held for a long time, because it is a long-term investment metal. On the other hand, it is the aim of OsmiSafe GmbH to find a buyer for every seller as efficiently as possible.
Please note that to explain the functions of the Marketplace, most of the functions or numbers on mouseover provide explanations that seek to facilitate a quick grasp of the functions.
Anton-Heinen-Straße 86, 50181 Bedburg